I have rarely ever bought physical music media in my life
What happens to Nielsen now can serve as an example to other people in the administration as they decide whether to just follow orders. By this, I don’t mean that people should scream at Nielsen in restaurants. Rather, those horrified by family separation should do whatever they can to deny Nielsen the sort of cushy corporate landing or prestigious academic appointment once customary for ex administration officials.
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But that wasn what the topic was about. If he got a 100 down votes, it doesn mean he won anything. He making an argument where no argument was even being made. I have rarely ever bought physical music media in my life, except at live shows, and probably spent at most $20 per year on music until I was in my twenties. Then iTunes became prominent, and I probably spent $1 200/yr on music for a couple years before signing up for Google music, which I now canada goose outlet locations in toronto pay a monthly fee for, and still buy the occasional album that isn covered by the streaming service. You know why? Because piracy is canada goose uk outlet less convenient and less value than what they offer, to the point that I pay the monthly fee even if I go months without using the service.