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These do not have to be professional photos. Many of the winning s are just regular photos, like the ones you might take of the kids at the beach. And it’s not always about the kid with the most facial beauty. Related to that, there are also studies that people, including doctors, genuinely do not […]

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It all began back in high school. The lines between friendship and sexual attraction began to blur between some of my girlfriends and I, and I found myself wondering what it would be like to kiss them. Then I did. We need to do better at at making sure that we’re helping and supporting Republican […]

That was a good thing, as I had my father longer, but he was

I loved it loved it loved it. The characters, dialogues, costumes, cinematography, acting. It was top notch. More and more Americans, including people of color, are responding to the failure of party politics by becoming independents. Promised the residents of the Cabrini Green projects that after the projects were destroyed and new housing built, they […]

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As the economy soared, there were far too many options available to us, but we were all whiny and depressed over it nonetheless. Wasn’t it sort of lame and bourgeois to work for a living, after all? Wouldn’t it be much nicer to spend all our time shopping and getting spa treatments like those women […]